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Friday, June 5, 2009

From One Of Our Newest Adopters

Thunder (was Hero)

[Thunder] is doing really well. We went to our first training class on Wednesday evening, kind of orientation. We are practicing what they suggested before the first class with dogs next week and he is SUPER smart! It's amazing how quickly he learns. Abby has trained him to wait for his dinner with it sitting right in front of him with only a word and a hand signal. He went camping with us for two weeks to Inks Lake State Park and absolutely loves to run and play in the water.

He is also doing great with agility in our back yard, can jump about 1 1/2 feet and run over the a-frame.

He still loves the dinosaur chew toy you brought with you, loves to play fetch with it! He looks funny dragging that big toy around. He and our other dogs have actually become fairly friendly. Brie, the larger dog, doesn't really play with him but she occasionally licks his face and accepts a lick from him. One of Abby's friends has a Border Collie puppy about a month older than Thunder and we have had several play dates together. They were fast friends and it's really funny to watch them play together.

I appreciate your concern for these dogs. You do a great service for them. We are very grateful and happy with Thunder. He and Abby are inseparable!

Blessings, (Adopter)

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