People came and went until "the girls" were adopted together into a family.
After a year or so, low-and-behold the family was going to relocate to a state across the ocean. Did they want to take "the girls" with them? Well, no, that sure was a lot of trouble. What with vet arrangements, documents, crates, airlines ~ blah blah blah.

Now it's Thelma's turn!!! She's gone to her new home, a little timid still, but hopped into her new family's vehicle like she knew it was time to move on!
Here's what a volunteer has to say about this adopion and the German Shepherd Rescue's founder:
"Thelma actually [can] blossom and she has. Thelma is a bit more of a velcro dog who loves to be loved but is a bit shy since she will feel a bit more out of her "Beverly-safe" comfort zone. Beverly is such an ole softie - her GSD Rescue is her baby - and she's been doing the hard stuff and making hard decisions of who lives or dies based on GSD looks. She's failed in the purebred [by rescuing the mixed breed] a few times - but thank G-d for her because they are all worth it. And Thelma - the beautiful sweet heart deserved to live and Bev knew it and kept her. I'm thinking after over two years with her - she will miss her. Bev is my hero and I love her - but don't tell her that - she'll think I'm soft....." ~Anon volunteer
This is from our founder about Thelma's adoption:
The adoption events worked for both Thelma and her sister Louise to find their forever homes. I am both sad and happy for her.
I do miss her, she was with me a long time, but so glad she is in a home where she is the center of attention. They have one cat and Thelma ignores the cat who is not pleased by invasion of a K9 new family member. I talked to her new mom yesterday and they said she is doing great. Follows new mom everywhere and is slowly warming to her new dad who is jealous that Thelma seems to prefer the wife. He went on and on about how beautiful she is and is totally smitten by her. I think in time she will love him as much as the lady. Thelma was so easy to live with and such an excellent all around dog I am thankful people came along and recognized what a treasure she is and love and appreciate her as she should be loved. Some take a long time, but so worth the effort in moving them to the home they deserve. Bev
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