From Sachiso's people:
In reviewing Prada's paperwork we saw that her name used to be Sachiso we went back to that. We have a love for Japanese culture and Mikela is fluent and we thought that this name fit her well. It means child of joy. A joy she is.
We have gotten her on a routine of long walks morning and night and a short walk (being about a mile) in the afternoon. We also play with the hose in the backyard and we have been working daily on her manners. She has come a long way since Wednesday. She has met her brother cats and we are still working on harmony in the house. But I think everyone will adjust just fine. 
Here are a few pictures from our past few days. We had our first bath
at Dirty Dog and you'll notice a theme of sleeping as she adjusts to all this walking. We notice her stamina picking up over the weekend. We adore her and thank you so much for the opportunity to meet this lovely lady and bring her into our home.
Wow, it's good to know that a dog like Prada or Sachiso has found her home! These German Shepherd dogs deserve to be adopted by good people because they are loyal and protective of their families based on the article I have read from They are also cheerful, obedient and very seldom show stubbornness because they are always eager to please. I hope more rescued GSDs will have a happy ending.