Tuesday, August 31, 2010
We love LOVE L-O-V-E Hearing From Our Adopters!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Miley Was Adopted Recently. Here's What Her New Family Has To Say

Hi ~ It's Me Again, Breeze!
I’ve learned to be better with Lucky and CopyKat. She isn’t a fur ball to me anymore. She is sort of beginning to trust me and I think I am trusting her more than when I first met her. I don’t make noises at her nor do I chase her like I used too. I think my people are happy with us about that. Lucky and me made a pack not to fight or get mean with one another. I think I’m still jealous of her and she me but it’s working out pretty good.
I really love my forever home and yard. There is loads of room to run and play. I’m learning a new game called catch the freezbie. It’s a small round thing that my man and lady people toss and I’m supposed to run jump and catch it before it hits the ground. I must be learning it pretty good as I get some extra treats and it doesn’t hit the ground so often anymore.
I just had to write and tell you all my good news about my Doctor visit this morning.
Love and miss you all.
Breeze Henning
Sasha aka Sashina's Adopters Are One Happy Family!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Taiko Before Adoption ~ Kaiser After Adoption!

Taiko Before Adoption
Friday, August 20, 2010
*Jack (Marco) Is Learning How To Relax In His New Home*

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Beau Used To Be Our Zulu! Read What His New Family Has To Say!

Yes he is just perfect!! Everyone in my immediate family that has met him is in love with him. Hoping all is well with you.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Our Young Tiara Is Growing Up Sasha!
Tiara started getting more comfortable at her foster home.
Here's what Sasha's family has to say about her:
Sasha is doing very well. She no longer has to sleep in her crate at night and roams the house during the day - we put in a doggie door and she picked up going through it very quickly. She loves going for car rides and walks. We walk every evening for about 30 minutes.
She is getting so big - I took her to the vet to get her toenails cut (which she doesn't like at all) a couple of weeks ago and she weighed 45 pounds. The only thing we have not quite conquered yet but are working very hard at is nipping at fingers and jumping up on people. She has gotten much better though. I have gone through at least 5 chew toys - she loves them and better she chew on those then on my stuff :) She is an absolute joy and we love having her as part of our family. She is finally starting to bark and growl when there is something in the backyard that she doesn't like.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
From The Adopters of Stormy Now Named Ruby
We wanted to thank you for blessing our family with the adoption of Stormy We renamed her Ruby. She is a delight and treasure to us. She has such personality and always makes you smile. Thank you for all of your help and the work you do!!
(Ruby in the snow above)
The Burk Family
Friday, August 13, 2010
Breeze Is Breezy!

Me and Lucky like to play and romp around the yard. Lucky teaches me a lot of neat things like walking without pulling, staying near my people when off the leash in the backyard. I like going for walks around the neighborhood and this is good also for my man person.

Breeze Henning
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Notes From The Breeze