I wound up staying in TN for two weeks total. Otis was great the entire time with my parents' FIVE dogs and SIX cats. And these are REAL cats, not just my little house cat. These cats live outside in acres of woods filled with coyotes. They don't just swat and hiss, they latch on and don't let go until they are sure the canine in question gets the point. Needless to say, Otis is a bit more respectful of cats now. :)

Otis did pee on one bully dog's bed THREE TIMES. The dog is old and cranky and was just plain mean to Otis. Well, Otis would find whatever bed the dog slept on last and pee on it. Gross but it cracked us up that he was being so sneaky and passive aggressive. After I returned to Austin, Otis had surgery on his left side.
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