From Ebony's Adopters ~ Ebony, newly named "Hana", kept us in smiles and good spirits all week. She has been a real pleasure getting to know...even for Chase.
We are excited to see what the future holds for our little family of four, and feel so blessed to have Hana fill such a vital spot. Elka left big really big shoes to fill for any other dog that was to proceed her. Hana is doing Elka's memory proud!
She is settling in at a nice steady pace and since her first night, she has been sleeping in her kennel a like a champ. Her level of curiosity is astounding and entertains us all to no end...herself included. She has been introduced to a countless list of things and adjusted to them in record time. (The front-loading washer and dryer are at the top of her "favorites" list.)
Hana and I took our first "team mission" together yesterday afternoon by going to our local Home Depot. I used to take Elka there as a puppy to help with her socialization and coping skills. As silly as it might sound, we always had such fun and enjoyed our "girl time" together: even years after first starting this tradition. Hana proved to be a very versatile partner and was really eager to learn. She even wore Elka's old hiking pack to prove what a pro she is! Simply put...we had a great time together.

Our most sincere thanks and accolades to you and your lovely volunteers. All the hard work reflects in mended hearts and second chances at love.
Regards, [adopter]
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