Scene 1: Get up, let all the dogs out, feed them, get ready for work
Scene 4: After lugging all the stuff in, now she goes out back and greats everybody back there – Hello Panzer, Myra , Samba….then camera moves in and watches her face – with grit and determination, she climbs the steps and begins the process of getting all the dog food prepared. She feeds them, fills the water bowls, goes outside and fills the pools and picks up the poop. Now the sun has fully set and it’s dark.
Scene 2: Go to work, deal with idiots, deal with the idiot federal government and work for and with a lot of veterans who need so much but don't get the support they need so.... Action - Beverly working to make it happen. CUT! Now during all this, we pan and see Beverly talking on the phone trying to coordinate how to save more dogs including puppies that have such infected feet they have to be amputated. Cut – end of day.
Scene 3: We see Beverly stop at the store to get some things like: 3 - 40lb bags of dog food, 2 cases of canned dog food, some dog toys and a bottle of icy cold coke for the ride home. We now move to her getting out of her truck and lugging a 40lb bag of dog food - all while trying to greet the dogs out front. She continues to lug the other 2 - 40lb bags of dog food, then the 2 cases of canned food and toys into the house. DRAMA! She nearly trips, wrenching her bag and almost dropping a bag of dog food that is almost as big as her because Louise is running between her legs yelping hello and Stormy is jumping up on her to say “pet me! pet me!” And Serena is mouthing her elbow to say “no, pet me! I missed you mostest!”.

Scene 5: She can’t sit down yet, no not yet. She wipes her brow with the back of her hand and smiles down as she looks at all the dogs she has saved. She places her hair behind her ear and gets ready to clean herself up and get her dinner prepared. She looks at the canned dog food – but no, no – she can’t eat that, it’s for the dogs! We skip to her sitting down to eat but eyes all the dirt and dog hair floating around. She sighs heavily and begins to sweep then mop.
Scene 6: Finally she sets her weary bones down to eat (her now cold dinner) and chill for a brief moment all while trying to love on all the poochies who are begging for attention. The camera pans out to all the dogs vying for her loving or a toy. A few still need some training (they don’t come to her with perfect behavior) she thinks tomorrow, tomorrow I’ll continue the potty training for Stormy, the walking properly on a leash for Banjo, tomorrow……
Scene 7: Now Bev wearily gets up to wash her dishes and organizes the pack to let them out one last time – all while working on potty training Stormy (tomorrow never seems to come – it has to be now). She let’s them play for a little bit – and sees the beauty of it and them and smiles that cheeky smile (camera moves in close) a sparkle in her eye shows how happy she is and realizes all of this is worth every ache and pain, dog hair, dog poop, and dirty floors. With that smile we move to
Scene 8: Beverly organizes the pack into their own crates or nighty-night places, then with a sigh of relief, she sits down to watch a little TV and has time for herself. She relaxes, and then she hears a thundering boom as a Texas downpour is on the way. She smiles shakes her head, and looks at her mostly clean floor and realizes it won’t be clean for long……End scene, camera pans out as a flash of lightening brightens the darkness outside and the tap tap of rain hitting her window.
Sigh – I feel the drama and the love!!!! Contributed by: Debi
Sigh – I feel the drama and the love!!!! Contributed by: Debi
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