If anyone knocks on the door, the whole house reverberates with his barks! WOW!! I've had two servicemen come to my door. The first one, a glass repairman, said "That is one BIG German Shepherd! And I've owned a LOT of German Shepherds!! "The other, a UPS delivery man, literally JUMPED when I opened the door to go out on the porch and Cruise barked--ONCE. This guy was easily 6 ft 4 inches--as I'm 6ft 2 inches and he easily towered over me. He was VERY nervous about "that dog.
"To his family, he's a very gentle member. He only wants two things--for us to pet him and to become friends with our cat. From what the cat has told me, she doesn’t want to be friends with anyone--especially "THAT DOG!" hehe He gets kinda nervous and just wants to go up and greet the cat (he's not aggressive towards her--he just wants to be friends). The cat, however, doesn’t like anyone and thinks the whole world should worship the ground she walks upon. Stupid cat! Lol

Cruise is very well taken care of. He's up to date on his shots and I make SURE he takes his Heartworm and Flea Prevention. He was trained by man's best friend and is very well behaved. He's very good with Sit, Stay, Come, Down, Heel. In fact, his heel is incredible. I'm very impressed with it. Cruise still doesn’t have any ball drive. I'm not sure how I can encourage him to do that. I have noticed that he likes a certain ball with holes in it--when I fill the ball up with treats, he's very interested in it. I've also noticed that he does NOT like men and likes smokers even less. He's also terrified of the water hose.(I'm very careful NOT to spray him). I'm thinking that perhaps the kennel keeper (when he was in the pound) was a male who smoked and sprayed up his cage with a water hose to clean it--spraying Cruise in the process. Poor thing.
That's all I can think of for now...
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