Keep Your Dog Safe
by Krista Mifflin for About.com
Every year, the fireworks used during some of our noisier celebrations send dogs all over the continent scurrying for cover.
The noise of the fireworks, and the bustle of Independence Day, Guy Fawkes Day, and Canada Day celebrations wreak havoc on dogs and dog owners alike. Some owners are simply unaware of the effect these festivities have on their pets, and bring them to the party with them.
So here I am, with a formal plea, on behalf of your dog: Please leave your dog at home!
The day following these celebrations can be a nightmare at animal shelters, due to the influx of lost pets who have fled in panic from the fireworks. Even from as far as miles away from the display, an animal can feel and hear the loud noises that a fireworks display puts out. The safest and kindest thing by far, is to leave your dog safely stashed inside the house with a television or radio playing to drown out the noise. Crating your pet during this night is even better.
What To Do
Here are some helpful hints to help your dog get through the day (and night) with as little stress as possible:
Keep him in his crate for the evening.
Leave him at home, preferably in his crate, with a Kong or any other
favorite toy.
Bach's Rescue Remedy. To help him keep calm before the noise starts. There is also a new aromatherapy therapy available for severely anxious dogs.
Television or radio for "normal" background noise.
If you go out, do NOT make a big production of leaving. This will tell him that something is up and you are worried (and therefore he should be too).
Previously content dogs have been known to dig under fences, break through glass windows, doors, etc, to bolt free. Be sure your dog is secure!
With vigilance, plenty of distraction and a caring owner, your dog will make it through this harrowing day, and return to his previously stable condition.