Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
How to Travel with Your Pet

“LoJack” Lassie
Implanting a pet with a homing device was practically science fiction in years past. Today it’s a simple procedure performed during a veterinary office visit. A microchip “only the size of a grain of rice is injected under the [pet’s] skin” without fuss or discomfort. You must also register the chip with the manufacturer's database, so that animal control agencies can track it if your pet disappears. As always, your pet should be wearing an ID tag with his or her name and your cell number. And it's smart to carry a recent photo of Fido with you should he disappear.
Coach or cargo?
If you’re flying with a cat or small dog, stowing it in its carrier under the seat in front of you is the most desirable option. Fido needs to stay put throughout the flight, so ensure the carrier “conforms to the shape of the seat without collapsing” or turning over.

Have a vet examine your pet within ten days of your trip and issue you a health certificate. The airlines will ask to see it, especially if you’re transporting Fido by air cargo. Many hotels will also want to eyeball the document to verify Fido is flea, tick and disease free. All European Union countries and many other overseas destinations will require the certificate to bear a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) stamp, which you can obtain for a $45 fee at your local USDA office. Bone up on country requirements and leash laws, too.
Treat your terrier like a toddler
If you’re hitting the highway, contain your pet as you would for air cargo, stowing it in the back of the car. Take bathroom breaks every two hours if motoring with a dog.
Get Fido in the mood to travel
Conditioning your pet to travel before your trip is critical. If Spot or Felix don’t get out much at home, test your pet’s sociability, taking it places like dog parks and [elsewhere] out of its environment and see how it reacts. Take short car rides, perhaps initially with a friend in back, to reassure your pet that the traveling by car is safe.
Start keeping your pet in its carrier at your feet, so that over time the carrier “becomes a fun place to be,” and your pet doesn’t just associate the carrier or travel with going to the vet or groomer.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Holiday Health Hazards
This information is not meant to be a substitute for veterinary care. Always follow the instructions provided by your veterinarian.
The holiday season brings excitement and commotion associated with shopping, final exams, travel, and other seasonal preparations. In all the activities of the season our beloved pets may be exposed to hazards less commonly found other times of the year.
As homes fill with holiday spirit, pets may be intrigued by the new sites, smells and tastes. The following are some of the most common health concerns for your pet during the holidays.
If you have specific questions regarding any pet health concern please contact your veterinarian.
Tinsel, Ribbon and other Pretty Things
Ribbons, wrapping paper, ornaments, tinsel, extension cords and gifts may be appealing "chew toys" that may make your pet sick. There is something about those shiny strands of Christmas tree decor, which drives kitties wild. Although the sight of your cat pawing at the tree may be cute, the ingestion of tinsel can be deadly. Eating tinsel or other string-like items such as ribbon (often called linear foreign bodies) can cause serious damage to the intestine. One end can get stuck while the rest is pulled into the intestine as it contracts; the contractions may cause the ribbon or tinsel to saw through the intestine. If not caught in time, infection of the belly cavity develops and the prognosis for recovery becomes poor. Pets with linear foreign bodies quickly become ill with signs including vomiting, diarrhea, depression, belly pain and sometimes fever.
Eating other holiday decorations can cause signs ranging from mild depression to severe vomiting or diarrhea, depending upon whether or not the foreign matter can be passed in the stool or gets stuck along the way. Foreign matter stuck in the intestine often does NOT show upon "x-ray" but sometimes the foreign matter will trap air in the intestine, which helps your veterinarian make a diagnosis. Surgery is required to remove foreign matter that does not pass out on its own.
Holiday Lights
Decorative lights are another attraction for pets to chew on. Both indoor and outdoor lights should be carefully examined to ensure safety for your household pets. Electrical shock may occur from defective cords as well as from pets chewing on cords. Check cords for any signs of bite marks, loose or frayed wires, proximity to the tree's water supply or evidence of short circuits. Use grounded "3-prong" extension cords and strictly follow manufacturer' s guidelines for light usage.
Electrical shock can cause burns, difficulty breathing, abnormal heart rhythm, loss of consciousness, and death. Call a veterinarian immediately if your pet has been injured by electrical shock. Treatment will be most effective if begun soon after the shock.
Water, Water
Even though they have their own water bowel, there is something enticing about a novel source of water; whether it's the toilet bowl or the Christmas tree stand. If you add chemicals to the water meant to keep your tree fresh longer, be sure to read the label to make sure it is safe for pets.
Potpourri makes your house smell festive but may be another attraction for pets to drink. Make sure that potpourri pots are covered orotherwise inaccessible to pets.
It may be difficult to curb your pet's fascination with all those pretty decorations. Child gates can be used across doorways to keep your pet away from the Christmas tree and decorations at times they cannot be watched.
Well-intentioned family and friends may share holiday foods with pets causing the pet to develop a stomach upset or worse, pancreatitis(inflammation of the pancreas) which can be caused by eating fatty foods.
To control excessive food intake by your pets and meet your guests' desires to feed the pets, dole out the treats your pets would normally receive and let your guests "treat" the pets. If you want to get festive, mix some of your pet's regular food with water to make a "dough" and roll out and cut into festive shapes, then bake until crunchy.
Extra attention from visiting relatives and friends may be relished by some pets while others seek solitude in their favorite hiding spot. Make sure pets are given some "personal space" if they want to get away from the commotion. Some pets may respond to all the hullabaloo with a
change in behavior including bad behaviors like eliminating in the house.
Try to spend a little extra "quality time" with your pet to assure them they have not been forgotten.
What would the holidays be without boxes of chocolate and warm cocoa in front of the fire? However, chocolate can be toxic or even fatal to dogs and cats. Chocolate may be mistakenly given to pets as treats and may be irresistible to the curious canine. Chocolate poisoning occurs most frequently in dogs but other species are also susceptible. The obromine is the toxic compound found in chocolate. Signs which may appear within 1 to 4 hours of eating chocolate include:
- Vomiting
- Increased thirst
- Diarrhea
- Weakness
- Difficulty keeping balance
- Hyperexcitability
- Muscle spasms, seizures, coma
- Death from abnormal heart rhythm
The toxicity of chocolate depends on the amount and type of chocolate ingested:
Potential Toxic Dose (44lb dog)
- Unsweetened Cocoa
3oz - Baking Chocolate
5oz - Semisweet Chocolate
7oz - Milk Chocolate
The amount of the obromine in white chocolate or chocolate flavored dog treats is usually negligible. As with any poisoning, call your veterinarian or an emergency veterinary hospital immediately if you suspect your pet may have ingested chocolate. Have the product label information available when you call your veterinarian.
There are national and regional poison control hotlines for animals. In general, the treatment of poisonings is most effective if begun soon after eating the poison, before large amounts are absorbed into the blood.
Poinsettias & Mistletoe
Pointsettas fill homes with color during the holidays. Poinsettias have received bad publicity in the past whereas in fact, poinsettias are not very toxic to pets. They do contain a milky sap that can irritate the mouth but if signs develop they are usually mild.
Mistletoe can be very toxic to animals and you should seek veterinarian consultation immediately if your pet has potentially ingested any part of the plant. Mistletoe can cause vomiting, severe diarrhea, difficult breathing, shock and death within hours of ingestion.
There are many species of Holly (genus Ilex) Berries and leaves can be a problem although signs of poisonings are generally mild, and include vomiting, belly pain, and diarrhea.
Pets as Gifts
A cute, cuddly puppy or kitten may seem to be the perfect gift but unfortunately after the holiday season the population of animal shelters explodes with these "surprise gifts". Owning a pet is a long-term commitment that not every one can make.
Dealing With Death or Severe Illness over the Holidays
The holiday season hightens our emotions and can be a very difficult time to deal with the loss or illness of a companion animal. The bond between animals and humans is often very strong and losses can be very painful.
If you or someone you know needs support without judgment from those who appreciate your feelings and may be able to help, please contact the WSU College of Veterinary Medicine Pet Loss Hotline.
From all of us at the College of Veterinary Medicine at WSU, best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season for you and your pets.
This Pet Health Topic was written by Paul Chauvin, Washington State University, Class of 2004.
If an animal is poisoned, immediately call the ASPCA APCC (888-426-4435), a $50 consultation fee may apply.
Be ready to provide:
- Your name, address, and phone number
- Information concerning the exposure (the amount of agent, the time since exposure, etc.)
- The species, breed, age, sex, weight and number of animals involved.
- The agent your animal(s) has been exposed to, if known.
- The problems your animal(s) is experiencing.
When the 888 number is used, your credit card number will likely be required in addition to the above information.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Carly Was A Beautiful Referral Girl
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
'Twas the Night Before Christmas'

In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
figuring the dog was free of his chain and into the trash.

but Santa Claus – with eyes full of tears.

Last year’s Christmas present, now painfully thin and sick.
More rapid than eagles he called the dog’s name,
To the top of the porch!
We had gotten the pup for all the wrong reasons.
there was one important thing that we missed
A dog should be family, and cared for the same.
~Author Unknown ~
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
We Have Puppies, Purebreds, Mixes, & More



Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Brinks, Ollie & Rush

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Update! Gable Hanging Out At Dreamtime Sanctuary
Gable Before -
This wonderful boy gets along well with every dog at Dreamtime and is ever so willing to please. This is a dog who is ready to be someone's loving and faithful companion and is ready to join in on whatever adventure is offered him. He is up-to-date on his vaccinations and is microchipped. Won't you please consider making Gable your companion? You will never regret it!
- Gable Now!
If you are interested in adopting Gable, please go to our website, copy, paste and complete our adoption application and email it to
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
5 Tips To Improve Your Pet Photography
Most pet photos are taken from the perspective of a human being looking down while the pet looks up. Bor-rinnnnnng! Try something different and get down at their level or, if they’re moving, pan with them as you take the shot.

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Arthritis: Causes And Treatment-Brought To You By Pedigree
What is arthritis?
Arthritis is inflammation of a joint. With arthritis, the bones rub together due to damage to the overlying cartilage and tissues that would normally provide protection. The most common types of canine arthritis are osteoarthritis, immune mediated arthritis and infectious arthritis.
What causes this condition?
Some dogs are pre-disposed to arthritis. For example:
Dogs that have hip dysplasia, excessive strain on their joints, or previous injuries.
Older dogs, particularly large dogs aged 5 years old and up, and smaller dogs aged 8 and up, and those that are overweight.
However, not all dogs that match those descriptions get arthritis. Some dogs, just like people, never suffer from arthritis at all.
What are the symptoms?
If you think your dog may be experiencing the onset of arthritis look for signs of stiffness and pain in the joints. Here’s what to look for:
a. Stiffness on rising after a long rest that eventually seems to go away as your dog moves around.
b. Difficulty going up or down stairs, rising from a sit, and/or performing other movements that were formerly a part of your dog’s everyday life.
c. Limping.
d. Avoiding being touched or exhibiting pain when someone touches him.
If you suspect your dog may be suffering from arthritis, take him to the veterinarian for a diagnosis and help.
How can I help ease my dog’s symptoms?
Although there is no cure for arthritis, with your vet’s help you can still do a lot to help your aging friend.
Controlled exercise. Although vigorous exercise may be painful for an arthritic dog, exercise shouldn’t be avoided. However, keep it gentle, such as low-impact exercises, like swimming and walking. In fact, these exercises may actually help decrease the symptoms of arthritis because they keep the joints moving and help maintain muscle support.
Healthy weight. Being overweight puts more pressure on a dog’s joints, and his symptoms may be worse. If your arthritic dog is carrying around too much weight, you should consider putting him on a calorie-controlled diet. Your vet can help you determine the optimum weight for your dog.
Therapeutic massage. A comforting massage makes you feel better, and it can do the same for your dog. If you know the technique, you can massage your dog at home, or take him to a professional dog masseuse. Either way, your dog will appreciate the relief a massage will bring. If you choose to do this yourself concentrate on areas that may be especially painful and stiff, such as the muscles near your dog’s joints, and knead these areas gently.
Comfort and care. Arthritis pain is aggravated by the cold, so keep your dog warm by adding an extra blanket or two to his bed, and keep him inside on damp, cold days. Barometric changes in the weather can also aggravate arthritis by causing pressure changes in the joint.
Prescription medication. There are many medications that can help ease the pain of arthritis. Your veterinarian will recommend the type of medication most suitable to your dog based on the type of arthritis he has. Never give medication to your dog without consulting your vet first.
Proper diet. Feeding your dog food that's rich in antioxidants reduces the stress of aging by fighting the free radicals that are by-products of inflammatory processes, such as arthritis.
Two other nutrients that can also benefit joint health are glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate—natural compounds found within the body that help provide lubrication and nourishment to your dog's joints.
By following these treatment suggestions you’re giving your dog the help he needs to continue enjoying many of his favorite activities, whether it's joining you on the couch or taking a short walk in the park. And that translates to more quality time for you and your senior dog.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
German Shepherd Rescue Central Texas - Basil
Basil's story started with "free to a good home" on Craigslist, then tossed from a car.

Who knows what happened in those months, but like many of the animals given away so easily and freely we can only surmise that she wasn’t kept as a family pet. More likely used for breeding purposes and then thrown away like so much trash when no longer needed. Her former owner is not going to take her back. The folks he gave her to are not returning his calls – what a shock. So sweet Basil needs rescue help.
She’s a petite chocolate lab/pit mix-weighing about 30 pounds. Her enthusiasm and friendliness for people is heartbreaking considering what she’s been through.
If you are interested in adopting Basil, please contact Caryn Cluiss at 512-264-4220
10 Steps to Deal with the Loss of Your Pet By Dawn Kairns

There is no best way to get through the loss of a beloved pet. The way through the grief process is different for everyone. Here are some things I found helpful when I lost Maggie, my beautiful black lab with whom I had the most precious of relationships:
1. Hold a ritual after your pet dies and invite friends and family who knew and loved your pet. Share stories about how your beloved animal enriched your life and other lives she touched. You may also want to create a memorial altar with a candle and your pets' photo, along with other items that belong to or remind you of your pet, such as her dish, special toys, and a lock of her hair.
2. Recognize that the grief of pet loss can be exceptionally profound and honor that by giving your grief the space to be. Allow your tears. Set-aside quiet time each day where you can decrease the demands of the outside world. Write in your journal. Allow your pain to express and release.
3. Let in the compassion and understanding of supportive family friends and strangers.

5. Let people know if you need to talk about your lost pet. Many well-intended people may try to change the subject to make it easier on you and you may need to let them know that it's okay to talk about it.